Cost will likely play a part in deciding which college you’ll attend. Fortunately, many scholarships provide financial support to give you more options when picking an institution. In addition to making you aware of well-known scholarships, we’d also like to introduce the top search sites for college scholarships:
- was originally founded in 1999, and now boasts more than 2.7 million scholarships with a total value of more than $19 billion.
- provides an entire search for students who are interested in seeking out updates and newly-promoted scholarships nationwide.
- FastWeb boasts more than 1.5 million scholarships and $3.4 billion in their database.
- is one of the most well-known online resources for finding out more information regarding scholarships and financial aid.
- provides a massive database of more than $3 billion of scholarships.
- has a free online search database to compare scholarships and create your own plan.
- SallieMae provides a resource directory for new scholarships.
To learn about some of the country’s most popular scholarships as well as typical eligibility and time lines, see Top 9 Scholarships to Finance Your Education.
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