Mindful Moments
Topical Videos
We offer free topical videos featuring consummate professionals who promote mindful moments by sharing tips and life advice on everything from nutrition to financial literacy to brain and sleep research.
Stretches for Studying
World-renowned physical therapist Juan Reque demonstrates three stretches to help prevent your neck and shoulders from getting sore while you study.
Healthy Brain Development
Susan Tapert, Ph.D.
Unique Sleep Needs in Teens
Fiona Baker, Ph.D.
Anxiety and the Teenage Brain
Devin Prouty, Ph.D.
Tips for Better Studying
Skip Lovelady
Sleep Management Before Exams
Fiona Baker, Ph.D.
Adolescent Brain Development
Susan Tapert, Ph.D.
How Smartphones Affect Sleep
Fiona Baker, Ph.D.
Technology & the Teenage Brain
Susan Tapert, Ph.D.
Managing Anxiety During Exams
Devin Prouty, Ph.D.
Helping Teens Struggling with Stress
Devin Prouty, Ph.D.
The Benefits of Sleep
Fiona Baker, Ph.D.