Give your students an academic edge with access to the entire Winward Academy lesson library
Experience the Winward Effect!
Winward Academy is best known for partnering with esteemed, competitive high schools and with college readiness after school programs, where its content is either integrated into classroom curriculum or provided as an additional resource to maximize students’ success and growth.
Step-by-Step Lesson
Our instructional model has four distinct phases to build students’ mastery of college and career readiness standards
Video Lessons

Learn by following along with a printed handout, engaging with guided practice, and taking detailed notes
Multiple Choice

Apply what’s learned by answering questions, receiving feedback, watching explanations, and writing hints
Mistake Bank

Review missed questions organized by lesson and topic and generate a personalized study guide
Stay Sharp

Master content by accessing more “at bats” with a topic to sharpen knowledge and build confidence
Winward “White Glove” Service
We remain deeply engaged with all our partners to ensure everyone has the highest quality of service and support

20 Years of Improved Math Performance
Better Understanding of
Challenging Topics

100% of students report an increased understanding of a topic after finishing a Winward Academy lesson (p<.001).
Better Understanding of
Challenging Topics
“I learned more in 10 minutes with Winward Academy than I learned all semester in class.”
“This program actually made me feel smart as I watched, and I was able to follow along.”
“I love the pace of the lesson. Also, I can pause, rewind, and adjust the speed when I need to.”
Unparalleled Lesson
Quality & Clarity

Students rated the quality and clarity of Winward Academy lessons from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
Unparalleled Lesson
Quality & Clarity
“The lesson is extremely useful and more effective than in class.”
“I loved how informative and engaging it was. It felt like the tutor was right there with me.”
“There are no expectations of what you should know before you start. All is explained step-by-step.”
Improvement in Accuracy
from Pre- to Post-Lesson

Students grew from 17% pre-lesson accuracy to 91% post-lesson accuracy after completing a math lesson (p<.001).
Improvement in Accuracy
from Pre- to Post-Lesson
“These videos made me confident of what I was doing, and I actually learned something.”
“The amount of practice problems helped solidify the concept.”
“The tricks taught in the lessons work perfectly and make it easy to remember.”
Instructional Models
Partners implement three main approaches when integrating Winward Academy into their curriculum.

Dedicated Class
The KIPP network of charter schools offers a seminar class, and each day students access laptops and headphones in class to complete lessons. The role of the teacher is to motivate students and oversee their completion of work, but all instruction is delivered through the Winward Academy platform.

Integration Into Class
Private and public schools have integrated the lessons into their math curriculum (Algebra through Pre-Calc.), using lessons during class time and having students watch lessons when they miss school for illness or athletics. These schools have found that Winward Academy lessons are a great complement to classroom instruction by both keeping students on track and taking pressure off teachers when students need to make up work.

After-School Support
After-school tutoring programs have students do lessons on computers with a teacher circulating to answer questions if they arise. This approach replaces a teacher-only after school program in which the teachers felt overwhelmed trying to help 30+ students with different needs. An additional benefit of this model is the reliability and consistency of lessons with a resource that’s always accessible and accurate in explanations.
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Are you looking for threat assessment and threat management professional development?
Winward Academy is thrilled to partner with Dr. Reid Meloy, a world leader in threat assessment and threat management. His training modules are ideal for schools and districts seeking to develop and implement threat assessment and threat management programs for school administrators, teachers, counselors, psychologists, and school resource officers.
"Academic Success Begins
with Safety and Security."
What Teachers and School Leaders Say
We are Committed to
Education for All Students

Winward Academy was born out of a love of learning, and we are committed to helping bridge our country’s opportunity gap by making the best tutoring resources more accessible and more affordable. We believe all students deserve access to quality teaching, and our charitable programs are designed to deliver exactly that.