SAT Test Dates | 2023-2024 Academic Year | Winward Academy


When is the SAT: 2024-2025 Test Dates

College Board has released its test dates for the 2024-2025 academic year. Once you pick your desired test date(s), register as early as possible for the best locations. Check out the Ins and Outs of the New Digital SAT if you want to learn more about the new testing format, question types, and scoring.

2024-2025 SAT TEST DATES

SAT Test DateRegistration DeadlineLate Registration Deadline
August 24, 2024August 9, 2024August 13, 2024
October 5, 2024September 20, 2024September 24, 2024
November 2, 2024October 18, 2024October 22, 2024
December 7, 2024November 22, 2024November 26, 2024
March 8, 2025February 21, 2025February 25, 2025
May 3, 2025April 18, 2025April 22, 2025
June 7, 2025May 22, 2025May 27, 2025

Be sure to register early for the SAT as spots fill up quickly. The SAT exam costs $68. If you register late, change the test date, or change your test center, the CollegeBoard will charge an extra $29-$39.

Do you want to plan ahead for the big test day, but don’t quite know what to prioritize? Follow our tips for what to do months before you plan to take the SAT.

Tip 1: Pick the test that’s right for you

First up, take a real timed practice ACT and a real timed practice SAT, then compare your scores to each other to make sure the SAT is the right test for you. It’ll take eight hours total, but it’s worth it. Don’t take these practice assessments on back-to-back days. You’re going to be tired after taking the first test, and you don’t want the score to be artificially lower on the second. Space out the tests over a week or two. You can locate a free ACT and a free SAT online. Take one of each, get a baseline, and then compare your scores. For more information about the ACT and SAT, you can see when they’re offeredwhat they test, or a detailed comparison between the two.

Tip 2: Register early

The earlier you register for either test, the more locations you can choose from. I’ll share an anecdote; students who take a standardized test at a local university hate it, and I understand why. The lecture hall where the test is offered has desks that are only one foot wide. Students have to put their tests or their scantrons on their laps because the desks are so tiny. Little things like this can affect you on test day, so plan ahead to get the preferred location. Talk to your older peers or college counselors for more information about the testing centers in your area.

Tip 3: Create a Study Schedule

Use your baseline test to recognize your weaknesses. Plan for what you’ll need to study, and then space out the workload based on how much you’ll need to review. See 8 Expert Tips for Mastering the ACT or SAT for more information about how to approach the exams to maximize success.

Tip 4: Take a few timed practice tests before test day

By the time you’re ready to take the real proctored test, you’ll want to have a few timed practice tests under your belt. Just be careful how close you’re getting to your actual test day. I’ve found that the best approach for my students is to take the last timed practice test three weeks out. That approach gives you plenty of time to hone in on your weaker areas before the real exam. Also important: take a few practice tests, not 20. There’s a really common (false) perception that the way to improve a score is to test test test test test. The problem with this approach is that if you don’t give yourself an opportunity to learn from your errors, you’ll keep making them. This test test test approach to practice is horrible for both your growth and confidence. When you take a timed practice exam, you should not take another timed practice exam until you have mastered your mistakes.

What else can you learn?

Do you feel more comfortable knowing how to get organized months before the exam? Arm yourself with more knowledge of what to do the day before, the night before, the morning of, and during and after the ACT.

Do you like what you’ve read? Please click the links to share with friends who would also benefit from getting organized months before the SAT test.

About Winward Academy – Winward Academy is one of the world’s leading innovators in the online education space, providing web-based academic support that enhances students’ knowledge, confidence, and competitiveness in middle and high school academics and in college applications. We help thousands of students every year by providing personalized, comprehensive ACT and SAT test preparation and extensive math curriculum support. The Winward Academy learning platform honors over 40 years of education and cognitive psychology research, incorporating proven techniques that promote effective learning.

Winward Academy’s unmatched reputation is wholly attributable to our students’ exceptional success and to the trust earned among students, parents, and schools around the world.

Jennifer Winward, Ph.D.

Dr. Jennifer Winward is a renowned college instructor, a distinguished 20-year veteran of high school tutoring, and the founder and lead instructor of Winward Academy. She earned her Ph.D. specializing in adolescent brain development and adolescent learning. She is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and graduated summa cum laude with highest distinction honors. Dr. Winward has been widely recognized for her academic success, published research, and philanthropic efforts with awards from the President of the United States, the California State Assembly, Rotary International, the Marin County School Administrator Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Science Foundation.